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David had not left Stella’s side for 3 days as she laid in her hospital bed. Despite his own health issues, being an 87 year old man, he was present through it all. He stayed awake and held her hand until he was sure she was out of the woods. This snapshot of husband and wife together is very touching, but the truth is, for most of his marriage, he was not like this. In fact, it looked very different, and Stella had endured many heartaches over the years. Her family told Stella that Grandpa David sure acted like he loved her a lot. “Even if he don’t, I’m just going to love him anyway” was Stella’s answer.

This amazing woman made it through a difficult marriage because she chose to love her husband everyday, even when that love was not reciprocated. That is an unselfish love we see very little of today.  Most of us only love when it is good for us, not when it hurts. Some may view a woman like this as weak, but in her end days she had her husband, children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren all there surrounding her and giving her all the love they could.  This would not have been the case if she had not loved beyond what felt good.

There are many opportunities in life to love beyond ourselves and step out into the great unknown. Stella did not know that all the love she showed over the years had made a difference. Here at the Hope First we want to show you Stella’s kind of love by supporting women and men facing the immensity of an unplanned pregnancy.

If you or someone you know is pregnant and in need of support, education, and Stella’s love, please make an appointment online or call us to set up a time to come in.

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